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8003 Hennessy Ln
Spring, TX, 77389




Silver Image Photography is owned by two sisters with a passion for art. We are a boutique portrait studio located in Spring, TX just 10 minutes from The Woodlands, providing custom senior pictures, family photography, newborn portraits, maternity photos, business head shots, children portraits, engagement and bridal photography. We have been serving the Spring, Tomball, The Woodlands, Magnolia, Cypress, Conroe, and the greater Houston area for over 14 years.

Filtering by Category: General Portraits

Snapchat for Old People | Silver Image Photography | The Woodlands, TX

Cristie Reddehase


I've come to the realization (actually it's been realized for awhile now) that I'm officially getting old. This is the first year to find grey hair (glitter strands), the high school seniors were born the year I graduated, and I had to google "how to use Snapchat" yesterday! That's right...I admit it.

I wanted to see if there's something more to this little yellow ghost. My research didn't lead to any ah-ha moments of enlightenment. I still know the same as what I knew before. (Now there's a sentence to quote me on!) Of course...with that being said, I've got to keep up with all of the young whipper here it is...the studio's new snapchat account. I can't promise how diligent I'll be about posting stories for everyone, but I'm going to give it my best.

Follow me and snap me! Is that right? Hmm...maybe I just started a new quote for this decade! Snap Me!


TPPA Print Awards | Houston, TX Photographer

Cristie Reddehase

This past week I attended the TPPA annual state convention at the La Torretta Resort in Conroe, TX. I'm so happy to show off my print awards! Each year you are allowed to enter 4 prints to be judged in print competition. I was very excited that all 4 of my images received a merit. I received the 'Top 10 in Texas' award for having one of the top 10 highest print case scores, the TPPA 4 for 4 pin for having all 4 of my images merit, and two distinguished image ribbons. The images entered will go on to other competitions so they can't be shared yet!

I've also been a member of TPPA for many years now and I finally earned my full fellowship degree with TPPA. The Full Fellowship Degree requires a total of 100 points.  At least 10 of these must be received from having prints score 80 or above at the Summer Seminar print competition. The other points are for participation in volunteering and attending educational programs.


Woodhouse Day Spa Grand Opening | Houston, TX

Cristie Reddehase

Woodhouse Day Spa Grand Opening
June 11, 2016 4pm - 8pm

Join us at Woodhouse Day Spa on Saturday June 11, 2016 for their Grand Opening! Silver Image will be photographing the event and the red carpet! 

Woodhouse Day Spa just opening it's new location in Vintage Park. You've go to see this amazing space in person! This is an exclusive event for anyone who wants to see the beautiful new facility, meet the staff, and receive some amazing perks while you're there.

Special Spa Tours
Hors d'oeuvres, Wine & Champagne
Incredible Selection of Spa Products and Gifts
Award Winning Menu of Services
Register to Win Spa Service Giveaways

Click HERE to find out more!

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Joe and Koren Greco, Woodhouse Day Spa Owners | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Joe and Koren Greco, Woodhouse Day Spa Owners | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography

Woodhouse Day Spa - Vintage | Photo: Silver Image Photography